Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Eat, Breathe, Run, Repeat~ a winning formula for a healthy, happy me.

This is my 1st blog entry and I'll attempt to answer the big questions. 
Who am I? I wear many hats~ wife, chef, yogi, small business owner,runner and dog lover. I'm in my 40's and I'm just trying to get everything in balance. 

I love to eat and cook but don't want to gain weight. Therefore, I run. A lot. Just completed my 1st marathon. I also have a spiritual side, so I pray and try to maintain a healthy relationship with God. I'm also creative so I left my stifling office job to teach yoga. Yoga keeps me grounded and present. I love my Corgis( google them) and have started a home business selling dog accessories(bandanas,bow ties, etc). Did I mention that I love to cook? I turn, I love kitchen toys so I am also a Pampered Chef Consultant. 

So my life is about balancing my varied interests. 

This blog is my attempt to stay focused on the present because so often I waste time worrying about the uncertain future or feeling guilty about mistakes of the past. I do not have time for either of these pursuits. They do not have any place in my life. Life is now. So I'll be sharing my now ~ every day. 

Expect to see photos of yummy food, lots of dog stories, whining about workouts, and a sprinkling of uplifting quotes and ideas. 

If any of this interests you, please subscribe to my blog. And please share your own feedback, ideas, struggles and triumphs! 

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